The Fawvor Family

Memories and Adventures from Alaska

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Last weekend Bubbies was down for the count with an ear infection. We spent all weekend watching movies and trying to keep him from getting too excited. He looked at his Thomas books, drank juice, and made a choo-choo train from Pooh and himself while I mopped the kitchen. He is thankfully feeling better now, but the little ebola monkey has passed it on to me again.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bubbies insisted on wearing Uncle Jason's hat to day care yesterday. It was funny.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bubbies and I haven't been feeling well so we haven't taken too many pictures but imagine my surprise when I opened my email and discovered that I had received not only tons of emails but tons of emails with attachments!

First of all, Bubbies has a new second cousin named Ryan. He was born on January
16th to James' cousin Elizabeth. This is their third little bundle of joy and if he is anything like the others he will be a sweet little man! So congrats to the Enderli Family.

Then Wendy and Adam took Little Emma up to Midland, Texas for a visit with Adam's brother and wife and their son Aieden.

Emma is really starting to take on her own little look and personality. She even looks like she is starting to get some blond hair!

Now here is the real shocker. I have not seen a picture of Aiden since he was about 6 months old. Now he is about one and a half and he truly embodies a Little Irvinitte as my dad would say. He looks just like his granddad, his dad, and his Uncle Adam.

He is so big! I just know he has football in his future!

My friends Jen and Brian in Kentucky added a new member to their family this weekend as well. Maggie is their new bundle of joy!

She looks just like Abby their old bundle of joy. Funny story, Abby the dog is the first thing that Bubbies ever belly laughed at!

Finally, the coup-DE-gra I was checking out my co-worker Becky's blog and found this picture of her and her husband Will. In her blog she said that Will went out and bought a banjo. She plays violin so the plan is that the two of them are going to start up a band called the "Sharpe Shooters". Sharpe is their last name. I think she is going to kill me for this.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It snowed last night. A lot.

The snow was level with the bottom of our economy sized car.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mara' birthday was this weekend. So we all loaded the kids up and went bowling. Here is Mara and her husband Paul.

Caleb was extra adorable in his carharts, a staple of every Alaskan man's wardrobe.

Bubbies had a ton of fun at the bowling alley. He played with Caleb and our other friend Addie. He also went bowling and played with the ball holder thing. It was lots of fun!

Yesterday we had a visit from Bubbies former child care provider and her son Hezzikaha. Bubbies was so happy to see his long lost friend that he was going crazy. Here he is jumping on the couch in mid-air!

Finally, this morning as I was driving into work I could not help but snap a picture of the temperature. It is "bitterly cold", as the weather channel says, at -36 degrees. That's right I said -36. FREAKING COLD!

Friday, January 11, 2008

We just returned from a work trip to our Road Communities around the Fairbanks area. We met up with about 5 troops and had a nice road trip!

This morning Bubbies made a little mess in the kitchen when he used his colors to write on the floor. He had to clean it up like a big boy.

Caleb came for a visit yesterday! He is going to be one next month and I can't believe that he is getting so big!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I just got an email update from my friends Brian and Jen from all the way in Louisville, Kentucky. They are doing well and have had a busy year including a cross country move, buying house, and starting new jobs! I really miss my friends, but don't they look great?

Uncle Jason came over for a little recording session the other night. He is working on his first independent album and I will be sure to get you all a copy!

Bubbies and Daddy helped me cook dinner on Sunday. Daddy chopped veggies and Bubbies made meatballs out of playdoh! It was too cute.